Nell is an artist living in the south west of Western Australia. She grew up in small towns with strong communities and spent her time largely outdoors. Whether in the native bush, or by the ocean.
Nell predominantly worked in graphite and charcoal in her 20s. Traveling extensively called for a creative practice that was light on the luggage.
Becoming a mother and wife has changed her perspective on life and herself. Having a creative outlet is refreshing to the soul and brings a new dimension to living. Especially as a mother, Nell felt the need for a creative practice that expressed who she was inside.
Nell has become fascinated with naturally occurring shapes and curves on her journey. The play of light and shadow. The composition of objects creating balance is key to her work. A simple but bold colour palette completes her paintings. And above all, shadows.
The image thrown by a shadow brings a new dimension to the object, creating as it were a second world. These worlds live side by side in the light but never in the dark.
please contact us for more information on artworks - size reads width x height and includes frame size